Thursday, May 28, 2009


Herewith something that showed up in my mailbox the other day, from the Czech Republic. I added translations below. It's nice to think that some people are still thinking clearly on this issue, even if the Obamites are hell-bent on facilitating another Holocaust by dialoguing with tyrants and looking the other way while their favorite tyrants plan the destruction of Israel.

translation: IT SEEMS IMPOSSIBLE! General Dwight D. Eisenhower was right to order as much film and photographic documentation as possible.

translation: Over sixty years ago, he found a Nazi location that exactly illustrated their plans.

translation: It is a historic fact that, when the Supreme Allied Commander, Dwight D. Eisenhower, found victims of the concentration camps, he ordered that as much be photographed as possible. He brought German inhabitants of local occupied cities to the camps so they could see the atrocities with their own eyes. In some cases, he also compelled them to bury the dead.

translation: He explained it as follows - "It is necessary to collect as much proof, film and testimony, as possible, because the day will come when some idiot will claim that it never happened." (paraphrase of actual quote)

translation: "The only thing the devil needs to succeed is that moral people do nothing." (paraphrase of Edmund Burke)

translation: Recently, Great Britain removed the Holocaust from British school curricula because it "offended the belief of Moslem residents that the Holocaust never happened." Yes, Great Britain.

translation: This is a fair warning that fear rules the world and that each and every country should push for its simple elimination. More than sixty years have passed since the end of World War Two.

translation: You have received this e-mail as a reminder, for all of humanity, to honor the memory of six million Jews, twenty million Russians (translator's note: 'Russians' really means Soviet peoples, by far not all of them Russian - the actual figure is closer to 27 million), ten million Christians, priests and ministers, all murdered, massacred, incinerated, humiliated; all at a time when the Allies and Russia had other priorities...

translation: Now, more than ever, countries like Iran - among others - claim that the Holocaust was a myth. It is therefore imperative to remind the world never, never to forget. The purpose of this e-mail is to reach at least forty million people in the world so they can say that they saw and read it.

translation: Please be a member of this worldwide e-mail chain. Help spread the message throughout the world.

translation: Please do not delete this. It will only take you a minute to pass it on. Let us do it for those who did not survive the Holocaust.

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